Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Silence of the Sexes

The YouTube video Why Men Don’t Talk To Women was overall humorous and entertaining. The message that the author is trying to give is that women wont be interested in men unless they have money and they wont deny them kindly, but brutally that will destroy the man. (Hopefully figuratively.) Even if the man is not interested in the women they will react as if he wants to marry them and will rudely push them away. I don’t think that this short film is entirely accurate. Most women are rational, at least on the surface, and won’t react in this fashion to someone they barely know, most of the time. Also, women have as much opportunity to earn the same amount or more than a man resulting in the stereotype of every woman being a gold-digger becoming increasingly outdated. She can make her own money so she doesn’t need his. A few women obviously hurt the creator of this animation so he tagged all women as heartless creatures who only want materialistic things. Either that or he is naïve enough to think that romance comes from only being nice. Just because a few women can be beastly doesn’t mean that all women are like them all the time and it shouldn’t be a reason for men to stop talking to them.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job on your summary and response, Michaela. You made some mistakes in your use of the apostrophe. Please fix these as the world will judge your credibility as a writer by your grammar and punctuation.
