Monday, November 28, 2011

Florida's Must See Fauna

Florida panther. American alligator. Bobcat. Manatee. White tailed deer. Do you know what these are? They’re the must see animals of the Sunshine State. Even with their iconic status, they have still changed in the past 20 years. This is because of human activities, which affect their habitats, which in turn effects their populations. The FLORIDA panther is almost nonexistent in its namesake home because they have nowhere to live and were hunted way too much. The rest of the “Big Five” animals of Florida all have a similar story. Be that as it may, they are still around to be on the must see list, but you better hurry because they might be gone tomorrow. Who knows? Maybe in the next 20 years they’ll be extinct leaving the box shell tortoise, monarch butterfly, palmetto bug, squirrel, and the ferial felines that pace the ally ways as the Floridian animal identifiers. 

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