Monday, November 21, 2011

It's Not Just For Facebook

Stalking- a course of conduct directed at a specific person that involves repeated visual or physical proximity, nonconsensual communication, or verbal, written or implied threats, or a combination thereof, that would cause a reasonable person fear. Although both men and women can be stocked, 78% are women and 22% are men according to the National Violence Against Women (NVAW). Those who stalk can be ex lovers, friends, coworkers, or even someone you don’t know. The victims of stalkers suffer distress, fear, and intimidation. Sometimes the stalker does physical harm to their victims. You can prevent stalking and its escalation by becoming unlisted and having you mail sent to a P.O. box instead of to your home.
Being a young college damsel like myself makes me a prime target for being stalked, according to the stats, and I would not appreciate it. I already ponder on whether there is a “Big Brother” so I don’t need extra surveillance. I don’t want to have to worry if my private affairs are kept private or if I’ll be attacked because I’m not being a good little victim. I could raise awareness to other students about the dangers of stalking and being stalked, but there isn’t much more that I could do due to the fact that stalkers usually keep their extra curricular activities under wraps. However, if I do see it happening I would make others aware so it could stop.

To learn more about stalkers click here.


  1. This was a really good post! I really like the picture at the bottom, it is funny! I know to come to you whenever I feel like I might be being stalked.

  2. Nice title and graphic and excellent summary and response to this problem of stalking. You misspelled 'stalked' once in your post, so be sure and fix it as this site is public.
