Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cyber Arsenic

            CBS News discusses the risks of having a Facebook profile in the article “Five Hidden Dangers of Facebook”. You are open to scams due to the fact that your information is shared with third parties, ads contain malware, and your privacy settings aren’t always the way you want them because of updates. Facebook wants to make your experience more personal so whenever you take a quiz or play a game through the site it will give your information away. Even if you think you’re very careful about your privacy settings, your friends may not be up to par. They could potentially be hacked meaning that a stranger could view your account.  About 40% of Facebook accounts are fake so the chances of someone with over 500 friends having a fake friend is very possible. These fake friends could steal your identity or take over your account. The dangers of having a Facebook are very real.
            I agree that having a Facebook account can be dangerous and that everyone should be careful, but it’s also a fantastic communication tool. I make sure that I am only friends with people that I know in real life and that I don’t put any personal information that could be used against me so that I will remain safe. People should use Facebook as a way to stay connected with friends and post statuses about important events to them or big news that they want to share with everyone, but they should not treat the site as their diary to write their moment to moment thoughts because it makes your security vulnerable and no one likes to have their news feed blown up by one person.

1 comment:

  1. Super summary and response in which you acknowledge the negatives but address the positives, too. I love your title and graphic, too.
