Monday, November 28, 2011

Florida's Must See Fauna

Florida panther. American alligator. Bobcat. Manatee. White tailed deer. Do you know what these are? They’re the must see animals of the Sunshine State. Even with their iconic status, they have still changed in the past 20 years. This is because of human activities, which affect their habitats, which in turn effects their populations. The FLORIDA panther is almost nonexistent in its namesake home because they have nowhere to live and were hunted way too much. The rest of the “Big Five” animals of Florida all have a similar story. Be that as it may, they are still around to be on the must see list, but you better hurry because they might be gone tomorrow. Who knows? Maybe in the next 20 years they’ll be extinct leaving the box shell tortoise, monarch butterfly, palmetto bug, squirrel, and the ferial felines that pace the ally ways as the Floridian animal identifiers. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

It's Not Just For Facebook

Stalking- a course of conduct directed at a specific person that involves repeated visual or physical proximity, nonconsensual communication, or verbal, written or implied threats, or a combination thereof, that would cause a reasonable person fear. Although both men and women can be stocked, 78% are women and 22% are men according to the National Violence Against Women (NVAW). Those who stalk can be ex lovers, friends, coworkers, or even someone you don’t know. The victims of stalkers suffer distress, fear, and intimidation. Sometimes the stalker does physical harm to their victims. You can prevent stalking and its escalation by becoming unlisted and having you mail sent to a P.O. box instead of to your home.
Being a young college damsel like myself makes me a prime target for being stalked, according to the stats, and I would not appreciate it. I already ponder on whether there is a “Big Brother” so I don’t need extra surveillance. I don’t want to have to worry if my private affairs are kept private or if I’ll be attacked because I’m not being a good little victim. I could raise awareness to other students about the dangers of stalking and being stalked, but there isn’t much more that I could do due to the fact that stalkers usually keep their extra curricular activities under wraps. However, if I do see it happening I would make others aware so it could stop.

To learn more about stalkers click here.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cyber Arsenic

            CBS News discusses the risks of having a Facebook profile in the article “Five Hidden Dangers of Facebook”. You are open to scams due to the fact that your information is shared with third parties, ads contain malware, and your privacy settings aren’t always the way you want them because of updates. Facebook wants to make your experience more personal so whenever you take a quiz or play a game through the site it will give your information away. Even if you think you’re very careful about your privacy settings, your friends may not be up to par. They could potentially be hacked meaning that a stranger could view your account.  About 40% of Facebook accounts are fake so the chances of someone with over 500 friends having a fake friend is very possible. These fake friends could steal your identity or take over your account. The dangers of having a Facebook are very real.
            I agree that having a Facebook account can be dangerous and that everyone should be careful, but it’s also a fantastic communication tool. I make sure that I am only friends with people that I know in real life and that I don’t put any personal information that could be used against me so that I will remain safe. People should use Facebook as a way to stay connected with friends and post statuses about important events to them or big news that they want to share with everyone, but they should not treat the site as their diary to write their moment to moment thoughts because it makes your security vulnerable and no one likes to have their news feed blown up by one person.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Preventing the Death of a World

In this advertisement from WWF it shows an instant photo of brilliant coral with glimmering fish darting through the waters. Written on the photograph are the words “ Protect the future of nature.” This is explained when you look into the background and see what was once a playground for the sea life is now a tomb of dead coral with the words “Don’t wait until it’s gone.” The contrast of colorful life and grey death put meaning into the poster. With the WWF emblem in the bottom left hand corner it would be safe to assume that this is an ad to save the environment in some way.
The ad is a persuasive one. It wants us to see the consequences of not caring for the ocean and the effects it has on those who call the sea home. We need to act fast in order to preserve the beauty and life of the waters. This is told to us by the background image’s text and the text on the photograph. No one wants to be responsible for causing damage to the Earth so by showing us what will happen because of human negligence it will hopefully promote everyone to save the environment.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Silence of the Sexes

The YouTube video Why Men Don’t Talk To Women was overall humorous and entertaining. The message that the author is trying to give is that women wont be interested in men unless they have money and they wont deny them kindly, but brutally that will destroy the man. (Hopefully figuratively.) Even if the man is not interested in the women they will react as if he wants to marry them and will rudely push them away. I don’t think that this short film is entirely accurate. Most women are rational, at least on the surface, and won’t react in this fashion to someone they barely know, most of the time. Also, women have as much opportunity to earn the same amount or more than a man resulting in the stereotype of every woman being a gold-digger becoming increasingly outdated. She can make her own money so she doesn’t need his. A few women obviously hurt the creator of this animation so he tagged all women as heartless creatures who only want materialistic things. Either that or he is naïve enough to think that romance comes from only being nice. Just because a few women can be beastly doesn’t mean that all women are like them all the time and it shouldn’t be a reason for men to stop talking to them.