Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Sweet Soft Kiss

A Hersheys Kiss is a small but delightful treat encased in a mirror finished rapper topped with a streamer of kisses. The smooth brindle candy who's cocoa aroma that fills the room sets you off like a crazed beast. Its designed to tangle you in its senses. Once this Lancaster sweet caresses the taste buds with its rich chocolate, you feel yourself being lulled into a temporary euphoria that will be lengthened by another soft kiss.


1 comment:

  1. Love your title, your simile of a crazed beast, your strong verbs (encased, tangle, caresses, lulled).
    Be sure to use commas after introductory clauses, like Once this Lancaster sweet caresses the taste buds with its rich chocolate, you feel......
    I am euphoric over this description, Michaela!
