Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Stolen Words

     The article “Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age” is about plagiarism becoming more common in university students. They do not know that when they copy and paste from a source, like Wikipedia or an unknown author's article, it is considered plagiarism so they think it's acceptable. They believe that if the information is considered well known that they are not required to create a work citation for that information. Students now are from an age where it's not an issue to for a singer to take a tune from an earlier song or to download music or other media so they think that they can apply the same concept to their essays. A young girl is mentioned in the article that plagiarized a novel and even lifted a whole page from a separate book and said that it wasn’t stealing, but creative mixing. Even parents are helping their children cheat. A Mr. Dudley wrote a paper for his daughter, but with a name like Dudley of course he was capable of something this low.
     I think that it's okay to not cite common knowledge like basic information about animals, mythology, or how to do a certain task, but when you copy word for word of someone else’s thoughts then that’s unacceptable. Plagiarism is stealing and those who steal should be punished. To prevent plagiarism students should learn at a young age on how to take sources and make it their own with citations when needed. I know that I would be livid if I found my words in someone else’s work so I would never do that to someone. A link to the article is found below.

What if this was plagiarized?