Monday, October 17, 2011

SlideRocket Lift Off

For my Midterm Reflection part II I used the SlideRocket software. I chose this tool because I understood its format the best and I liked its appearance the best. It was difficult to use at first because the instructional video was too long and the only thing I could concentrate on were the ducks. Also they included information about the premium packs that I didn’t need to know about, but after that it was a breeze to work because it’s very similar to PowerPoint. If I were to revise this assignment I would include sound to it to make it more interesting.

Here's the link to my assignment

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Hue of Life

          When it comes to paint an artist must choose wisely. The format and skill shown in the painting my be on the level of Daniel Merriam but if your medium is of lesser quality the work of art will look like the sole survivor of a flash flood. The biggest decision is whether to create masterpieces with oil paint or make all right art with acrylic.
     Nothing feels better than smoothly stroking a canvas with a brush loaded with paint and seeing vibrant shades trail behind. When using oil paints it feels as if you are painting with slightly melted butter and its consistency is like a dream. You can paint an entire scene with only a couple beads of paint and a well of oil. Although a hundred years war could pass in the time it takes for oil paint to dry it’s a valuable asset because you have as much time as you need to create the perfect blend. Acrylic paint, however, drains from your paintbrush after a few flicks of the wrist. The first stroke is a tease of how easily this paint is. After that it’s as if you’re painting across gravel, which shatters the color in an unflattering fashion. It takes globs and tubes of acrylic paint to complete a project and it’s in your best interest to paint in a whirlwind so the paint doesn’t dry before you’re ready. Using acrylic paint is an inconvenience to time management and decreases your skill as an artist, however while using oil paints it’s a breeze.
      Pigmentation is key to achieving the award winning painting. It sets the masterpieces from the macaroni mosaics. Oil paint is mixed with such rich and deep hues that it makes the on looker fall into the painting. Portraits appear to be living people trapped behind a window. Landscapes look like a photograph taken by newly weds on their honeymoon. Oil paint brings dimension to art and puts breath into it. The colors of acrylic, however, are dull and lifeless. It lacks the intensity that oil achieves and leaves the work feeling incomplete. Acrylic does not dazzle the critics, which is a shame because your painting should not be dismissed due to your tragic mistake of media.
     A memorable piece of art will have colors that electrify, creating vibrant bursts of rich color that will sizzle your eyes. The hardest part of creation shouldn’t be struggling with your medium. This is why oil paint is the more agreeable option compared to acrylic.  

Acrylic Paint

Oil Paint